Moments after The Moment Sarah said yes. Didn't have another camera handy (I had other things on my mind!), so we just used the web cam.
And on May 24, 2003, Sarah said yes when it truly counted. I've got the pictures to prove it.
Queen Scully on one of her many thrones. Others include the right arm of the couch, top shelf of my closet, and the dining room table.
I'm the guy in the front, squealing like an elementary school girl after my raft capsized in Class 5 rapids on the upper Ocoee River in Tennessee. Click the image for a closer look.
About me
Who is this guy?
If you just got here and you're wondering who I am, you're probably not one of the unfortunate few who I've bombarded with the link to this site.
So welcome to my little corner of the web. I'm your host, Rob Steiner, a regular guy who lives in Atlanta, Georgia. By day, I'm a web designer; by night, a would-be novelist.
What's the point of Quarkfolio?
This site is my play thing. I will use it to practice my web design and writing skills. I can't promise it'll have the same look and feel next month -- or next week, even -- but I'll always have a presence here. You'll find the latest top stories and internet news on the right and a weblog in the middle.
How did you come up with a name like Quarkfolio?
It was pretty scientific, really. I opened a dictionary at random and found "quark." Then I did it a second time and found "portfolio." I combined the two and saw that it was good. Since quarks are the essential building blocks of matter and life, I figured why not make a portfolio -- or, "quarkfolio" -- documenting the stuff of life (to borrow a slogan from my current employer).
That and was taken.
I love Quarkfolio beyond all comprehension. How can I make sure it stays online forever and ever?
Well I'm flattered. You can ensure the survival of this site by clicking through here for all your Amazon purchases.
Although the goal of this site is to keep my web design and writing skills up to date, hosting it does cost money. I get a very small commission whenever you click through the Amazon ad, but I'm hoping those commissions will, over time, help me to at least break even on my hosting costs.